Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Some Prose and Some Changes

I've added a lot of stuff on the sidebar, trying to make it more interactive. You should check it out. Here are some notes:

1) an email link -- thedesertvoice@aol.com. Most of you who read this don't need this link, and to be honest, since it's not my regular email, I don't know how often I'll check it. But hey, it looks cool. Those of you who don't know me -- please feel free to send me thoughts or comments. I'll read them and get back with you.

2 )Written in the sand -- something will be written here.

3) Oases in the Desert -- these are other blogs of my friends, and their friends...

3a) Wide and Narrow Paths -- these are links to places that are not in the Desert...Go ye forth...

4) Books I'm Reading -- this is not new, but has been updated.

5) Books in My Bookbag -- these are mostly academic books that I'm reading and studying that didn't seem to fit within the above category.

6) Books that Should Be Canonized -- Yes, they should. Check them out. If you haven't read them, do so.

7) Other Books You Should Read -- Yes, read them.

8) Entertainment Purposes Only -- links that I do not in any way endorse, but are funny as hell.

9) Comments Go Here -- this is an experiment of sorts. I've set up a post whose only purpose is for you and me to leave comments and talk to each other. I am hoping it might work as something like a limited discussion board. Go leave a comment, let's see if it works.

Okay, that's all I got for now. Enjoy.



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