Sunday, July 24, 2005

Poseidon at Play

Every breath is shallow and stale, and fails
to fill the twin sails of my chest. And so the craft
sinks to the bottom, pieces and parts, broken
and bruised, shattered on the rock of empty emotion.
Written on the stone: Despair, and None Spared.
But none are there to read or recount the story
of the author at play, the god of the deep.

The sky never falls; it is always torn down. And the
waves consume every piece. A frenzy in the freezing
waters trying to dodge the stars splashing and parting
the waves. Capsized vessels disappear in the wrath of
the white crashing, and dashed to pieces, those great
flagships, once cutting through the unknown seas
showing the way, now only seen by the eyes of the deep.

I swam up one wall and down another. I drank
the salt of a thousand dissolved pillars, and I
could taste sugar in the sweet tossing waves
and I waited my turn to wrestle the god. Clinging to
the bodies of work of those who drowned before
me and breathed an air I have yet to breath or hallow,
I saw the last star fall and swallowed by the deep.

The sky was unlit and dark, the water on fire with the
still burning light of countless stars which now formed
the floor of the ocean like sand on the sea shore.
The god rose to stand on the calm, quiet, still water,
and walked among the lost. None were spared.
None save me. The air was slow and thick, and I
took very little and gave even less, hiding in the deep.

Every breath is shallow and stale, and fails
to fill the twin sails of my chest. And so the craft
sinks to the bottom, pieces and parts, broken
and bruised, shattered on the rock of empty emotion.
Written on the stone: Despair, and None Spared.
But none are there to read or recount the story
of the author at play, the god of the deep.

None save me.
And I am Poseidon.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Some Prose and Some Changes

I've added a lot of stuff on the sidebar, trying to make it more interactive. You should check it out. Here are some notes:

1) an email link -- Most of you who read this don't need this link, and to be honest, since it's not my regular email, I don't know how often I'll check it. But hey, it looks cool. Those of you who don't know me -- please feel free to send me thoughts or comments. I'll read them and get back with you.

2 )Written in the sand -- something will be written here.

3) Oases in the Desert -- these are other blogs of my friends, and their friends...

3a) Wide and Narrow Paths -- these are links to places that are not in the Desert...Go ye forth...

4) Books I'm Reading -- this is not new, but has been updated.

5) Books in My Bookbag -- these are mostly academic books that I'm reading and studying that didn't seem to fit within the above category.

6) Books that Should Be Canonized -- Yes, they should. Check them out. If you haven't read them, do so.

7) Other Books You Should Read -- Yes, read them.

8) Entertainment Purposes Only -- links that I do not in any way endorse, but are funny as hell.

9) Comments Go Here -- this is an experiment of sorts. I've set up a post whose only purpose is for you and me to leave comments and talk to each other. I am hoping it might work as something like a limited discussion board. Go leave a comment, let's see if it works.

Okay, that's all I got for now. Enjoy.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

sham-less windows you can see right through (that is, if shams were not just for pillows but windows too)

a wink in the eye
and the eyes open wide;
some wine in the side
and the mouth gets louder.

yell louder and louder!
yell yonder and yonder!
yonder, i say!
and again i say yonder!

yonder, beyond where the waters parth,
where the milk and honey flow.
and yonder, where the dividing waters parth
(really? says tim, manic depressing, unchaotic, and slow).

but what do they yell,
standing at the gates of hell?

why, of course, they were yelling
a question unanswered and compelling:
how her was doing,
all that she did
and not just saying
all that she said

what? how her was, doing?
that’s not right grammar!

no – i know, don’t even worry,
wait and listen,
hear the best of the story:
a promise -- she’s with us.

she’s with us?
who's with us?
enough of your stories!

no, she is us.
enough allegories.

she is us? No!
that’s not right! grab her!

Yes, she is us.
And Sheisus lives,
and does so forever.
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